
A large event sign and an interactive sculpture for their proof of concept digital placemaking event: ‘Ideascape: Porth Teigr’. in Cardiff Bay. Commissioned by Calvium Ltd. In September 2017

Working exactly from the typography, we brought the event title to life as large suspended letters within a floating frame.

We also designed and fabricated a sculptural ‘buoy bell’, that housed a speaker. A concept that combines an old fashioned town crier and a buoy bell; the kind that might be found in the water off of the Cardiff bay. The piece housed an audio playing device and speaker and played promotions and offers from businesses local to Porth Teigr.

“In collaboration with sustainable developers Igloo, we presented a range of ideas that inspired people to think about new ways in which digital technologies can be used for social, cultural and economic prosperity in the area.”
Louise Hobson, Calvium

Photography: Paul Blakemore

Graphic Design: Chris Price and Georgia Mccoll of Zubr VR